This is a collection of the best in Bernie Sanders news for this week.
Bernie Sanders gave a rousing speech at the DNC’s summer meeting this week. A must-watch!
“What we need is a political movement which is prepared to take on the billionaire class and create a government which works for all of us and not just corporate America and a handful of the wealthiest people in this country,”
“We will end the obscenity of living in a country where the top one tenth of one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent,” he stated. “That is not the kind of economy that we want. We need a movement that tells Wall Street that when a bank is too big to fail, that bank is too big to exist and we’re gonna break ’em up!”
“Corporate America has got to start investing in our country, not just countries all over the world,” before adding, “We need a movement in this country that says every worker deserves a living wage. That understands that the current minimum wage of $7.25 is a starvation wage and that we are going to raise that wage — over a period of a few years — to 15 bucks an hour.”
Bernie Sanders’ appearance on CNN’s State of the Union 8/30/15
Democratic support for Clinton at lowest since 2012: Reuters poll
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s support among Democrats has dropped to its lowest point since Reuters/Ipsos began polling on her chances of winning the party’s nomination for the 2016 election almost three years ago.
But the former secretary of state still has a lead of more than 20 percentage points over her nearest rival, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, the online survey showed on Friday.
Clinton has suffered a steady erosion in the number of people in opinion polls who see her as trustworthy as
controversy has grown over her use of a private email account when she served as America’s top diplomat.
The Reuters/Ipsos survey, a rolling poll taken over the previous five days, put Clinton at 45 percent, with Sanders at 25 percent.
The lead is Clinton’s smallest since Reuters/Ipsos began polling Democrats in late 2012 about who they want to see representing them at the November 2016 presidential election.
Vice President Joe Biden, who is considering whether to challenge Clinton for the nomination, came in third at 16 percent. Biden was polling at around 10 percent a month ago.
A total of 494 people who identified themselves as Democrats
Robert Reich’ Facebook comments on the New York Times’ piece on Bernie Sanders supposed unequal popularity:
“Most pundits who say Bernie doesn’t have a chance are looking in the rearview mirror — analyzing politics the way it functioned 8, 16, or 24 years ago. But the rearview mirror isn’t relevant when America has reached such inequality of income, wealth, and political power that a movement is building for fundamental political and economic change. That’s why analyses like the one below are perfectly rational, based on recent history, but entirely beside the point based on where the nation is headed.
You can and must do your part by reaching out to friends, family, others in your community — explaining to them why the changes Bernie is advocating are so important, and getting them motivated to participate. Politics can no longer be a spectator sport. This is your opportunity — indeed, your obligation — to get actively involved. Now.”
I highly recommend “liking” Robert Reich’ Facebook page to read his updates and commentary. He posts at least a couple of times a day and provides lots of news and observations you probably will not see elsewhere.
awesome, thanks for putting this Bernie roundup together!