Bernie Sanders participated Friday in a forum focused on the Black experience in America, and specifically in Minnesota, home to some of the worst racial disparities in the country.
This event was live streamed on The UpTake and is being reported on in selective bits and pieces. I thought I’d provide the entire video, rather than selective pieces. The questions were hard-hitting, and obviously very painful at times.
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC), a group advocating for social and economic justice held the forum at the Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis. The group says the forum “represents a historic opportunity for community members to converse with a presidential candidate and ask for real responses about the pressing issues facing Black communities.”
Keith Ellison Introduced Bernie Sanders
“This is not a “no you can’t” campaign. This is not a diminish your dreams campaign. This is a believe in the possibilities we can do together kind of campaign. Eight years ago when you voted for Barack Obama did you do it because of what he told you was not possible or did you vote for him becasue he said “yes we can” and projected a bold vision? That is what’s happening right now. ”
– Keith Ellison
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