The nature and character of fundraising emails has taken a weird turn since the 2016 election, with messaging becoming far more strident, insistent, accusatory at times (are you voting for Trump?), and now, a weird melange of cutesy, TMI (the picture),
and unserious, information-less appeal “written” by… a pet. The lack of capitalization, by the way, has nothing to do with the text being from a dog. Capitalization, the lack thereof, even for donors’ first names, has been a thing for several years. I have to admit that seeing my first name begin with a small “r” really irks me.

What are we helping to rebuild? The message doesn’t say, nor does it point to a website where I might get an explanation of the strategy being employed. When I went to the url that is included in the text, I got this:
Democrats’ fundraising campaigns have been awful over these last few years. The mindless verbiage, the sharing of voter data with candidates from other states, the extremely high frequency of fundraising pleas and, especially, the desperate tone, all have been off-putting to say the least.
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I get that running every two years necessitates fundraising year-round. I get that fundraisers know that voters are suffering from fundraising email fatigue. I also get that the DNC has been employing the same tactics. That doesn’t make these emails any more palatable if “they” do it too.
Please, Democrats, read your fundraising emails and, just for a split-second, imagine how you’d feel if your inbox was filled with them from candidates in your state, your district, other districts, multiple candidates from multiple districts from other states?
Democrats haven’t been served very well by the consultants they’ve hired to run their campaign marketing. Note to the next DNC bosses: please, START FROM SCRATCH!