The Neither Election: Voting One’s Progressive Conscience on Blog#42 Continue reading The #IJustCantWithThis Election: #BlackLivesMatter #Trade #NoDAPL #99ers #Jobs | Voting Progressive on Blog#42
I see you, James Comey! Tarmac Me Once, Shame on You. Tarmac Me Twice, Shame On Me! | Blog#42
James Comey, who was a hero in July, is now a hack and a traitor in October. What happened? Continue reading I see you, James Comey! Tarmac Me Once, Shame on You. Tarmac Me Twice, Shame On Me! | Blog#42
Paul Ryan’s Bernie Sanders Nightmare: The Progressive Vote Will Make It So | #OurRevolution on Blog#42
House Speaker Paul Ryan has a terrible nightmare and it isn’t Hillary Clinton: Continue reading Paul Ryan’s Bernie Sanders Nightmare: The Progressive Vote Will Make It So | #OurRevolution on Blog#42
With His Filthy, Sexist “I Wasn’t Impressed” Comment, .@RealDonaldTrump Doubles Down on Crazy And Throws Election 2016 | Blog#42
What presidential candidate has ever said about their opponent that they wouldn’t shtoop them? Continue reading With His Filthy, Sexist “I Wasn’t Impressed” Comment, .@RealDonaldTrump Doubles Down on Crazy And Throws Election 2016 | Blog#42
Election From Hell: How (Bad) History Repeats Itself As We Suspend Our Common Sense | Blog#42
How (Bad) History Repeats Itself As We Suspend Our Common Sense
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Kaepernick Comment: A Sign of Emerging Liberal Anti-#BlackLivesMatter Bias | Blog#42
Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Katie Couric this about her opinion of Colin Kaepernick’s protest: Continue reading Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Kaepernick Comment: A Sign of Emerging Liberal Anti-#BlackLivesMatter Bias | Blog#42
Top Phrases I Never Want to Hear From Politicians Again | The Language of Politics on Blog#42
Top Phrases I Never Want to Hear From Politicians Again | The Language of Politics on Blog#42 Continue reading Top Phrases I Never Want to Hear From Politicians Again | The Language of Politics on Blog#42
Trump is a Rapist & Hillary Clinton is a Back-Room Double-Dealer | #TrumpTapes & #PodestaEmails on Blog#42
Who knew that October 2016 would bring so many surprises? Continue reading Trump is a Rapist & Hillary Clinton is a Back-Room Double-Dealer | #TrumpTapes & #PodestaEmails on Blog#42
How Not To Talk To White Children: Chelsea Clinton Edition | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Chelsea Clinton made a campaign stop in Minneapolis Continue reading How Not To Talk To White Children: Chelsea Clinton Edition | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42