Paul Ryan’s Bernie Sanders Nightmare: The Progressive Vote Will Make It So | #OurRevolution on Blog#42

House Speaker Paul Ryan has a terrible nightmare and it isn’t Hillary Clinton: Continue reading Paul Ryan’s Bernie Sanders Nightmare: The Progressive Vote Will Make It So | #OurRevolution on Blog#42

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Kaepernick Comment: A Sign of Emerging Liberal Anti-#BlackLivesMatter Bias | Blog#42

Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Katie Couric this about her opinion of Colin Kaepernick’s protest: Continue reading Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Kaepernick Comment: A Sign of Emerging Liberal Anti-#BlackLivesMatter Bias | Blog#42

The Election From Hell: Hillary Clinton Talking To White People Instead of Cops | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

Hillary Clinton Talking To White People Instead of Cops: The Election From Hell

Continue reading The Election From Hell: Hillary Clinton Talking To White People Instead of Cops | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42