Louisiana’s John Bel Edwards (D) is the nation’s first governor to sign a “Blue Lives Matter” Continue reading John Bel Edwards: Comatose, Anti-Civil Rights, Anti-#BlackLivesMatter Neoliberal Democrat | Blog#42
The Election From Hell: Trust, Trade, Jobs & #HillaryEmail on Blog#42
Let’s face it. This is the election from hell. Continue reading The Election From Hell: Trust, Trade, Jobs & #HillaryEmail on Blog#42
Battling Illness And Writing | Reader Announcement on Blog#42
I’ve been trying to power through what thought were migraines Continue reading Battling Illness And Writing | Reader Announcement on Blog#42
Rape Talk With An Assistant Professor of Law | #Misogyny & #RapeCulture on Blog#42
I don’t usually post conversations I have with people unless there is something significant to be learned from it. Continue reading Rape Talk With An Assistant Professor of Law | #Misogyny & #RapeCulture on Blog#42
#Brexit: Consequences For #BernieSanders #Progressives At The #DemConvention | Blog#42
The UK has voted to leave the European Union and the consequences Continue reading #Brexit: Consequences For #BernieSanders #Progressives At The #DemConvention | Blog#42
After Orlando, Barack Obama Emerges As Better Secretary of State Than Hillary Clinton | Blog#42
After Orlando, Barack Obama Emerges As Better Secretary of State Than Clinton
Orlando Was An Act of Queer-Antagonism & Hate. Candidates Calling It Radical Islam Is Political Expediency | Blog#42
Orlando Was An Act of Queer-Antagonism & Hate. Calling it Radical Islamism Is Crass Political Expediency Continue reading Orlando Was An Act of Queer-Antagonism & Hate. Candidates Calling It Radical Islam Is Political Expediency | Blog#42
Centrist Scorn, Revisionism, And The End Of Big Tent Politics | Blog#42
As we approach the end of the primary process, the rift that has become apparent is widening, Continue reading Centrist Scorn, Revisionism, And The End Of Big Tent Politics | Blog#42
Notice To Readers
Blog#42 may experience some site-wide down time Continue reading Notice To Readers
On @ElizabethWarren, #BernieSanders And Endorsing #HillaryClinton | Blog#42
So, Elizabeth Warren endorsed Hillary Clinton tonight. Is that all she did? Continue reading On @ElizabethWarren, #BernieSanders And Endorsing #HillaryClinton | Blog#42