Those Party Platform Hearings The #DNC Is Holding? A Complete Snow Job!
Continue reading Those Party Platform Hearings The #DNC Is Holding? A Snow Job! | Blog#42
Continue reading Those Party Platform Hearings The #DNC Is Holding? A Snow Job! | Blog#42
The Hill reports that Democrats are telling the Clinton campaign to let Donald J. Trump’s threats Continue reading A Storm Is Brewing And The Dem Fluster-Cluck is Coalescing | Blog#42
This piece has been updated with 60 Minutes’ story on the defanging of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) by Representatives Marsha Blackburn and Tom Marino. and Democracy Now’s reporting on a wealthy family who has been profiting from the opioid crisis. Both videos are appended to the end of this piece. Continue reading [Updated 10/19] Opioid Trail: Oxycontin: FDA, DEA, Congress and The Crisis On The Street | Big Pharma on Blog#42
Another Day, Another Lamo #HillaryEmails Excuse Continue reading Another Day, Another Lame-o #HillaryEmails Excuse | Ethics on Blog#42
So, here we are, six months away from an election, and we are still talking about #HillaryEmail. Continue reading Hillary Clinton’s Achilles Heel: Poor Judgment and Flawed Ethics | Blog#42
Some pundits really can’t stand Bernie Sanders. Continue reading Pundits Gone Mad: Incivility and Latent Antisemitism – Kevin Drum Edition | Blog#42
This primary season has been filled with talk about angry white voters; Continue reading 2016: White Voters And Racism In The Age of Trump And Sanders | Blog#42
The center-right bias of Paul Krugman and company is to steer voters toward a revised sense of self-worth Continue reading For Downsized, Angry Voters, Bias Is Neither Center-Left or Right, But Toward Change | #Blog#42