This is the funniest comedy routine I’ve heard in a long time! Enjoy! Continue reading Jay Larson Comedy: Wrong Number | Best of #Comedy on Blog#42
My #TamirRice Ad is about to end. Please help me renew it | #GoFundMe #Blog#42
I’ve been surprised at the success of my essay on Tamir Rice. I wrote the piece out of my deep sadness Continue reading My #TamirRice Ad is about to end. Please help me renew it | #GoFundMe #Blog#42
[Updated!] #BernieSanders News Roundup for the week ending 1/31/16 | Blog#42
Here is my news roundup for the week ending January 31st, 2016. Continue reading [Updated!] #BernieSanders News Roundup for the week ending 1/31/16 | Blog#42
Jared Bernstein: US inequality in the OECD context and the need to invest more in young kids | Blog#42
US inequality in the OECD context and the need to invest more in young kids
Inflationary wage growth? Not even close… | Jared Bernstein | #Precariat on Blog#42
Inflationary wage growth? Not even close…
Continue reading Inflationary wage growth? Not even close… | Jared Bernstein | #Precariat on Blog#42
Fight of the Burros: Neoliberals Fighting Progressives for Supremacy | #DirtyTricks on Blog#42
I’ve noted, quite often, in my New York Times commentary over the last eighteen months, that I see a change in Professor Paul Krugman. Continue reading Fight of the Burros: Neoliberals Fighting Progressives for Supremacy | #DirtyTricks on Blog#42
#BernieSanders News Roundup for 1/24-1/29/2016 | Blog#42
This is my Bernie Sanders news roundup for the week ending in 1/29/2016 Continue reading #BernieSanders News Roundup for 1/24-1/29/2016 | Blog#42
Jared Bernstein: Bernie, Hillary, the binding constraints of cramped reality, and the Overton Window | Blog#42
27 Jan 2016
I may be a bit out of my depth here but let me offer a few thoughts on a debate among progressives that leaves me scratching away at the old noggin.’ Here are the bones of the thing, as I kinda understand them: Continue reading Jared Bernstein: Bernie, Hillary, the binding constraints of cramped reality, and the Overton Window | Blog#42
Hillary Clinton lets out her inner Goldwater Girl in praise of Abe Lincoln | #Iowa #DemTownHall on Blog#42
Clinton blundered twice on matters of history and race during CNN’s Iowa Democratic Town Hall. Continue reading Hillary Clinton lets out her inner Goldwater Girl in praise of Abe Lincoln | #Iowa #DemTownHall on Blog#42
What’s Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Beef with #BernieSanders? | #Discord on Blog#42
Ta-Nehisi Coates writes a follow-up on his initial attack of Bernie Sanders, Continue reading What’s Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Beef with #BernieSanders? | #Discord on Blog#42