I cook for someone who is on the Ketogenic diet. This has required heavily modifying favorite recipes in order to comply with the stringent requirements. Continue reading Low-carb Gluten-free Schnitzel Recipe | #Cooking with Blog#42
Bernie Sanders News week ending 1/1/2016 | Blog#42
Bernie Sanders was interviewed by Melissa Harris-Perry Continue reading Bernie Sanders News week ending 1/1/2016 | Blog#42
Rahm Emanuel: Saved By The Taser? | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
I am less than impressed with Rahm Emanuel’s tasered announcement, Continue reading Rahm Emanuel: Saved By The Taser? | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Tamir Rice: A Childhood Denied, Supremacist Rule Preserved, For Now… | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Yet another case we were promised would result in justice, intentionally ran its course Continue reading Tamir Rice: A Childhood Denied, Supremacist Rule Preserved, For Now… | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Bernie Sanders News Roundup week ending 12/27 | Blog#42
For daily Sanders news, follow me on Facebook.
Bernie Sanders appeared on Face The Nation on 12/27: Continue reading Bernie Sanders News Roundup week ending 12/27 | Blog#42
The mind-numbing dumb-fuckery of some do-gooders | #Racism on Blog#42
Issac J. Bailey wrote a column for Politico in which he calls on our president to step up to the plate to fix the racism Continue reading The mind-numbing dumb-fuckery of some do-gooders | #Racism on Blog#42
[Updated 12/26] DNC Scandal: Memories of the 3 AM Phone Call Ad and Nasty Campaign Shenanigans | Blog#42
Some new developments have transpired. See the curated item on a possible DNC plant in the Sanders campaign below the fold.
I received my first email ever from the Clinton campaign yesterday, Continue reading [Updated 12/26] DNC Scandal: Memories of the 3 AM Phone Call Ad and Nasty Campaign Shenanigans | Blog#42
Bernie Sanders on Trump? Echoes of Martin Luther King on Jim Crow (audio) | #DemDebate on Blog#42
Sanders’ explanation of Trump’s success with racist right-wing whites describes the billionaire to a T: Continue reading Bernie Sanders on Trump? Echoes of Martin Luther King on Jim Crow (audio) | #DemDebate on Blog#42
#DemDebate: Progressivism vs. Neoliberalism | #BernieSanders vs. #HillaryClinton on Blog#42
This last debate in New Hampshire is a classic study in contrasts. Continue reading #DemDebate: Progressivism vs. Neoliberalism | #BernieSanders vs. #HillaryClinton on Blog#42
History, the Abrahamic God, Christianity, Judaism & Islam | #Truth and #AcademicFreedom on Blog#42
Professor Larycia Hawkins was fired from Wheaton College, an evangelical institution of higher learning in Illinois for stating these things: Continue reading History, the Abrahamic God, Christianity, Judaism & Islam | #Truth and #AcademicFreedom on Blog#42