We are bombarded daily with opinion pieces declaring Hillary Clinton miles ahead of Bernie Sanders in the polls, campaign contributions and endorsements. Let’s take a closer look… Continue reading On Endorsements, Campaign Donations, The #BlackVote, #MediaBias and #Polling | #BernieSanders on Blog#42
The #GOPDebate winner? Why… Bernie Sanders! | #PoliticsOfFear on Blog#42
The GOP debate was one very long Kabuki play on fear, racial and religious strife Continue reading The #GOPDebate winner? Why… Bernie Sanders! | #PoliticsOfFear on Blog#42
Autism and a semester’s end | #Disability in #HigherEd on Blog#42
#Edited: Donald Trump’s xenophobia is the GOP’s | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Donald Trump’s bombast has been the obsessive interest of the press Continue reading #Edited: Donald Trump’s xenophobia is the GOP’s | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
#Chasing53: Still shaking it up and getting into trouble… | Introspection on Blog#42
My 52nd year began on a bleak note Continue reading #Chasing53: Still shaking it up and getting into trouble… | Introspection on Blog#42
#Chasing53: My parking lot encounter with police | #CivilRights on Blog#42
So, I get in my car and ready myself to leave the lot for a late night errand. Continue reading #Chasing53: My parking lot encounter with police | #CivilRights on Blog#42
Michigan’s Knollenberg: “I know we can’t fix that. We can’t make an African-American white.” | #Racism on Blog#42
So, Troy, Michigan state Senator Marty Knollenberg says this on camera during an education committee hearing: Continue reading Michigan’s Knollenberg: “I know we can’t fix that. We can’t make an African-American white.” | #Racism on Blog#42
Rahm must go: #LaquanMcDonald was failed by neoliberalism and Chicago-style politics | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Laquan McDonald was executed by a Chicago policeman at the tender age of 17. Continue reading Rahm must go: #LaquanMcDonald was failed by neoliberalism and Chicago-style politics | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Poor and white in affluent Orange County, CA | #Precariat on Blog#42
Conservative readers like to cite the demographic statistics for wealth in Orange County, California (OC) Continue reading Poor and white in affluent Orange County, CA | #Precariat on Blog#42