On Endorsements, Campaign Donations, The #BlackVote, #MediaBias and #Polling | #BernieSanders on Blog#42

We are bombarded daily with opinion pieces declaring Hillary Clinton miles ahead of Bernie Sanders in the polls, campaign contributions and endorsements. Let’s take a closer look… Continue reading On Endorsements, Campaign Donations, The #BlackVote, #MediaBias and #Polling | #BernieSanders on Blog#42

Michigan’s Knollenberg: “I know we can’t fix that. We can’t make an African-American white.” | #Racism on Blog#42

So, Troy, Michigan state Senator Marty Knollenberg says this on camera during an education committee hearing: Continue reading Michigan’s Knollenberg: “I know we can’t fix that. We can’t make an African-American white.” | #Racism on Blog#42

Rahm must go: #LaquanMcDonald was failed by neoliberalism and Chicago-style politics | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

Laquan McDonald was executed by a Chicago policeman at the tender age of 17. Continue reading Rahm must go: #LaquanMcDonald was failed by neoliberalism and Chicago-style politics | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42

Some (choice) notes on Jonathan Zimmerman’s #BlackOnCampus op-ed | #BlackLivesMatter to Blog#42

Jonathan Zimmerman’s reductionist essay, Take a cue from Ralph Ellison: Don’t demean minority students by overprotecting them, Continue reading Some (choice) notes on Jonathan Zimmerman’s #BlackOnCampus op-ed | #BlackLivesMatter to Blog#42