Tim Kaine on Confederate Monuments, Deplorables & Using Precise Language? About As Wrong As Trump | Blog#42
Tim Kaine, Charlottesville and “Basket of Deplorables” Redux | Blog#42 Continue reading Tim Kaine on Confederate Monuments, Deplorables & Using Precise Language? About As Wrong As Trump | Blog#42
James Baldwin Was Right: Being A Jew In The Age of Trump, Jared Kushner, Neoliberal & Republican Jews | Blog#42
James Baldwin Was Right: Being A Jew In The Age of Trump, Jared Kushner, Neoliberal & Republican Jews | Blog#42 Continue reading James Baldwin Was Right: Being A Jew In The Age of Trump, Jared Kushner, Neoliberal & Republican Jews | Blog#42
Arthur Brooks on NPR’s #TEDTalks Radio Hour on Tolerance: Supremacy Rehashed | Blog#42
Arthur Brooks on NPR’s #TEDTalks Radio Hour on Tolerance: Supremacy Rehashed | Blog#42 Continue reading Arthur Brooks on NPR’s #TEDTalks Radio Hour on Tolerance: Supremacy Rehashed | Blog#42
Incredibly, There Are Democrats Who Still Believe Schmoozing Is A Bi-Partisan Cure-All | Blog#42
Incredibly, six months into the Trump oligarchy, there are Democrats who still believe that: Continue reading Incredibly, There Are Democrats Who Still Believe Schmoozing Is A Bi-Partisan Cure-All | Blog#42
Dear #Dems: When Trump Calls For #PoliceBrutality, Where Is The #Resistance? | Blog#42
Dear #Dems: When Trump Calls For #PoliceBrutality, Where Is The #Resistance? Continue reading Dear #Dems: When Trump Calls For #PoliceBrutality, Where Is The #Resistance? | Blog#42
What The Fed Does, Especially Under Trump, Should Matter To You | Economics on Blog#42
Why What The Fed Does, Especially Under Trump, Should Matter To You | Economics on Blog#42
Shunning R. Kelly As Betsy DeVos Legitimizes Rape: Evolving While Society Devolves | Blog#42
Shunning R. Kelly As Betsy DeVos Legitimizes Rape | Blog#42
Centrism Causes Far More Harm Than Conservatism: Kevin Drum Edition | Blog#42
Mother Jones: Centrism & Classism At What Is Supposed To Be A Progressive Magazine | Blog#42
Continue reading Centrism Causes Far More Harm Than Conservatism: Kevin Drum Edition | Blog#42
Don & Vlad’s Excellent Adventure: Of Presidents, Chancellors and… Dogs | Blog#42
So, Trump and Putin finally had their meeting. Continue reading Don & Vlad’s Excellent Adventure: Of Presidents, Chancellors and… Dogs | Blog#42