BlackLivesMatter is now taking donations through @ColorOfChange to expose the FBI’s ongoing surveillance efforts. Continue reading Surveillance of Black #CivilRights movements predates Hoover’s #FBI | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Tag Archives: Civil Rights
Transcript: Martin Luther King’s speech to NATRA,1967 (first half) | #MSM on Blog#42
This is a transcript of the first half of Dr. King’s speech to NATRA. August, 1967, Atlanta, Georgia. Continue reading Transcript: Martin Luther King’s speech to NATRA,1967 (first half) | #MSM on Blog#42
Transcript: Martin Luther King’s speech to NATRA,1967 (second half) | #Racism on Blog#42
This is a transcript of the second half of Dr. King’s speech to NATRA. August, 1967, Atlanta, Georgia. Continue reading Transcript: Martin Luther King’s speech to NATRA,1967 (second half) | #Racism on Blog#42
Freaky Friday politics: gender and race expectations in the 2016 primary | #HillaryClinton & #BernieSanders on Blog#42
This cycle, the primaries for the next presidential election have few relevant candidates Continue reading Freaky Friday politics: gender and race expectations in the 2016 primary | #HillaryClinton & #BernieSanders on Blog#42
Blog#42: Video of #HillaryClinton’s #BLM meeting in Keene, NH| #BlackLivesMatter
Hillary Clinton held a very short, private meeting with Black Lives Matter Continue reading Blog#42: Video of #HillaryClinton’s #BLM meeting in Keene, NH| #BlackLivesMatter
Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech: “The Three Evils of Society | #CivilRights on Blog#42
Martin Luther King gave “The Three Evils of Society” speech on August 31, 1967, at the first and only National Conference on New Politics in Chicago. Continue reading Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech: “The Three Evils of Society | #CivilRights on Blog#42
Bernie Sanders’ speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) | Blog#42
My essay on Bernie Sanders’ approach to BlackLivesMatter, police brutality, Continue reading Bernie Sanders’ speech to Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) | Blog#42
Jim Webb is right about #SouthernWhiteCulture | #ConfederateFlag on Blog#42
I was born and raised in the tri-state area that is Washington, D.C. Continue reading Jim Webb is right about #SouthernWhiteCulture | #ConfederateFlag on Blog#42
A National Apology for Slavery: Bernie Sanders | Civil Rights on Blog#42
Bernie Sanders spoke to Sirius-XM radio’s Joe Madison about race and slavery Continue reading A National Apology for Slavery: Bernie Sanders | Civil Rights on Blog#42
1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?
Can you imagine spending thirteen years in jail for a crime you didn’t commit simply because the exculpatory evidence you might have defended yourself with happened to have been given to someone as a gift? Continue reading 1.5 million missing Black men: How many innocents?