Tag Archives: Democrats

Hillary Clinton and Joseph Stiglitz’ rewriting of economic rules | Blog#42

Paul Krugman’s Derp op-ed didn’t materialize out of nowhere and, while it may have sprung from its author’s inner diva, Continue reading Hillary Clinton and Joseph Stiglitz’ rewriting of economic rules | Blog#42

Richard J. Eskow (@RJEskow): The Left Matters – Now, More Than Ever | Progressive voices on Blog#42

May 22, 2015

Some leading Democrats seem to have a love-hate relationship with the left. Sure, progressives seem to have more influence than ever in the party this year, at least rhetorically. But it doesn’t look like the friction will be going away any time soon. Continue reading Richard J. Eskow (@RJEskow): The Left Matters – Now, More Than Ever | Progressive voices on Blog#42

Your Congress in its own words: what they can’t say about the TPP | Blog#42

Here are your representatives in the U.S. Congress, in their own words, about what they are allowed and not allowed to see and do, when it comes to doing YOUR business in the context of a trade agreement that will affect your jobs, the prices you pay for certain things and the legal rights of corporations vis a vis the laws your Congress passed.

This is not how a Democracy is supposed to operate. Continue reading Your Congress in its own words: what they can’t say about the TPP | Blog#42

Dear @MotherJones: Patti Murray is not a Progressive – replacing #HarryReid

Dear Patrick Caldwell,

While I would much prefer to see Senator Warren run for president, she would be best placed to replace Harry Reid, and she would set the progressive tone voters want and keep her fellow Democrats in line. Continue reading Dear @MotherJones: Patti Murray is not a Progressive – replacing #HarryReid

I am not ready for Hillary. Am I still a feminist? | Analysis

It feels as if the 2016 Democratic primary was settled in 2008. Whatever else is  assumed about the coming election, the one thing everyone imagines is that the Democrats’ candidate will be a woman.  Continue reading I am not ready for Hillary. Am I still a feminist? | Analysis

Polarization: who is to blame? | Analysis

President Obama gave Vox an interview last month. In it, he blamed a lack of uniformity of facts and worldview as we had them 20 and 30 years ago on a “balkanization” of the media. He blamed Fox News and MSNBC for contributing to polarization, and technology, presumably the internet, for furthering it.  It has been reported that MSNBC is currently making changes to make the network less progressive. President Obama doesn’t watch cable news.

Continue reading Polarization: who is to blame? | Analysis