Tag Archives: Democrats

More than three quarters of conservatives say the poor “have it easy” | Washington Post

By Christopher Ingraham

The Pew Research Center is out with part two of its huge survey of American politics. The first part, released a couple weeks ago, focused on political polarization. For this round, Pew’s researchers have created a political typology which “sorts voters into cohesive groups based on their attitudes and values.” There’s plenty to say about this – and you can see where you fall in Pew’s typology quiz here! – but for now I want to focus on the chart above, particularly the left half. Continue reading More than three quarters of conservatives say the poor “have it easy” | Washington Post

Jonathan Capehart: How President Obama will be impeached – The Washington Post

By Jonathan Capehart

Writing about Rep. Eric Cantor’s (R-Va.) stunning primary defeat last week, I warned Democrats that the House majority leader’s loss was as much a wake-up call for them as it was for the GOP. Well, now I want to warn them about a very real possibility: President Obama will be impeached if the Democrats lose control of the U.S. Senate.

Yeah, yeah, I read Aaron Blake’s astute piece in The Post on the impeachment process. He says “probably not” to the question of whether the House could impeach Obama. But “probably” is not “definitely.” And with the way the impeachment talk has gone, “probably not” could become “absolutely” if the Senate flips to the Republicans. Continue reading Jonathan Capehart: How President Obama will be impeached – The Washington Post