I came across an excellent mash-up of segments from Martin Luther King’s speeches on poverty and the end of an interview of James Baldwin in PBS’ “The Negro and The American Promise.” These two men expressed, in ten minutes and fifty three seconds, far more than Thomas Piketty did in a seven hundred-page book. Continue reading MLK died warning us about inequality back in the 60’s | Social #Activism on Blog#42
Tag Archives: EDUCATION
Video: James Baldwin on “The Negro and the American Promise” | PBS
This is a curated version of a PBS extra I will be referencing in an upcoming piece.
James Baldwin on “The Negro and the American Promise”
James Baldwin appears in Boston public television producer Henry Morgenthau III’s “The Negro and the American Promise,” alongside Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. The New York Times described the James Baldwin segment as “a television experience that seared the conscience.” Continue reading Video: James Baldwin on “The Negro and the American Promise” | PBS
An open letter to .@Common | #BlackLivesMatter
Dear Common,
I write to you today because I happened to watch your segment with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. Continue reading An open letter to .@Common | #BlackLivesMatter
Engineering in #Preschool? | Education
I recently listened to a KPCC story about a new kind of preschool. I didn’t know it at the time, but my daughter was listening to the story with me and, as it turns out, was as bothered by it as I was, not because the toddlers in the story were learning about engineering, but because their preschool experience was only about it. Continue reading Engineering in #Preschool? | Education
On Doug Belkin: Test Finds College Graduates Lack Skills for White-Collar Jobs
Updated Jan. 16, 2015
Four in 10 U.S. college students graduate without the complex reasoning skills to manage white-collar work, according to the results of a test of nearly 32,000 students.
Continue reading On Doug Belkin: Test Finds College Graduates Lack Skills for White-Collar Jobs
“White privilege” as an irritant when talking about race…
An old friend left me a question on my post of Nick Kristof’s column on Facebook:
The question is asked by someone whom I know is well-meaning, thoughtful and truly wants to see the dialog on race get ahead, rather than continue at the standstill it is at now. Continue reading “White privilege” as an irritant when talking about race…
#JamesBaldwin on #Racism: 1:01 minutes of Truth
The following clip is taken from James Baldwin’s 1968 appearance on the Dick Cavett Show. In all honesty, how many of his words don’t apply in 2014 America? Continue reading #JamesBaldwin on #Racism: 1:01 minutes of Truth
Rev. Dr. William Barber II on North Carolina’s Fight for Democracy | BillMoyers

Mariya Strauss is the economic justice fellow at social justice think tank Political Research Associates. You can follow her on Twitter @mariyastrauss.
Editor’s note: The Moral Mondays movement began as a grassroots response to North Carolina’s rightward lurch after Republicans won complete control of the state’s government for the first time since 1870. Modeled on the civil rights movement, it has united a diverse group of citizens in opposition to the draconian legislative agenda that’s turned what was once the most moderate state in the South into a laboratory for conservative ideology. Continue reading Rev. Dr. William Barber II on North Carolina’s Fight for Democracy | BillMoyers
KPCC: Invisible Dropouts: Thousands of California Kids Don’t Get Past Middle School | 89.3 KPCC
Sarah Butrymowicz
Devon Sanford’s mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when he was in the eighth grade. After barely finishing at Henry Clay Middle School in South Los Angeles, he never enrolled in high school. He spent what should have been his freshman year caring for his mother and waiting for police to show up asking why he wasn’t in school.
No one ever came. Continue reading KPCC: Invisible Dropouts: Thousands of California Kids Don’t Get Past Middle School | 89.3 KPCC
California Parents Complain: SexEd Textbook ‘Equivalent To Pornography’ | ThinkProgress
A California school district has agreed to temporarily shelve a ninth grade sex education textbook after parents complained it included material that’s inappropriate for teenagers, including information about masturbation, orgasms, and erotic touch. The parents asking for the removal of Your Health Today have compared the book to porn.