Living up to her parents’ promise led to a severe case of perfectionism at a very tender age. Continue reading The duality of being | Reflections on #race | Writing
Tag Archives: Ethnicity
Postscript to my comment on: Lori Tharps: The Case for Black With a Capital B
PHILADELPHIA — I WAS sitting in my office at Temple University when I overheard an exchange between a colleague and his student. The student had come to see her professor to go over a paper, and he was patiently explaining that the abundance of grammatical mistakes detracted from her compelling content. I sympathized with my colleague as he pointed out error after error. Until he came to this one.
“Why did you capitalize black and white people?” he asked. “I thought I’d seen it written that way before,” the girl stammered. “Come on,” he said. “Why would you capitalize black or white?”
Continue reading Postscript to my comment on: Lori Tharps: The Case for Black With a Capital B