The Phillips Curve is at best in ill repair, if not just outright broken.
I’m a bit behind on curating Jared Bernstein’s posts. I am merging three separate, but related, posts from the past week into one long blog. Continue reading Jared Bernstein analyses: #jobs, #pay, inflation, and the #TPP
L’entrée des démocraties occidentales dans une ère sans croissance paraît de plus en plus crédible. Or, le triomphe de l’Etat nation libéral-démocratique et social a été profondément lié aux «Trente Glorieuses». Que peut-on en attendre pour l’avenir de nos régimes politiques? Continue reading Une société sans croissance: la politique à l’heure de la «grande stagnation» | Slate fr
Yes, you read those headlines right: real GDP contracted at a 2.9% rate according to revised data released this AM. That’s contracted, as in went down.
Nope. That was a truly lousy quarter but it’s highly unlikely to be repeated any time soon. The particularly bad winter weather played a role; both residential and commercial building were negative. Heavy inventory buildups in earlier quarters were reversed, which usually implies a positive bounce-back in coming quarters. Exports were revised down and imports up, so the trade deficit subtracted a large 1.5 points from the bottom line; that drag will likely diminish in coming quarters. Continue reading Jared Bernstein: Whoa! Whassup With That Big Negative Q1 GDP Revision?