This last debate in New Hampshire is a classic study in contrasts. Continue reading #DemDebate: Progressivism vs. Neoliberalism | #BernieSanders vs. #HillaryClinton on Blog#42
Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton
On Endorsements, Campaign Donations, The #BlackVote, #MediaBias and #Polling | #BernieSanders on Blog#42
We are bombarded daily with opinion pieces declaring Hillary Clinton miles ahead of Bernie Sanders in the polls, campaign contributions and endorsements. Let’s take a closer look… Continue reading On Endorsements, Campaign Donations, The #BlackVote, #MediaBias and #Polling | #BernieSanders on Blog#42
#BernieSanders news week ending in 11/29
The best of Bernie Sanders news this week. Continue reading #BernieSanders news week ending in 11/29
Barricades for non-existent hordes | Wages, Jobs & #BlackFriday on Blog#42
Walmart opened its stores at 6 p.m. I drove by the Irvine Supercenter at 8:00 p.m and found barricades Continue reading Barricades for non-existent hordes | Wages, Jobs & #BlackFriday on Blog#42
The Democratic Primary: Voters Left To Fumble In The Dark | #MSM Bias on Blog#42
Another Democratic primary has taken place and, again, voters are made to doubt their instincts. Continue reading The Democratic Primary: Voters Left To Fumble In The Dark | #MSM Bias on Blog#42
Hillary Clinton’s neoliberal view of #EricGarner | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
The Huffington Post reports the following Hillary Clinton quote: Continue reading Hillary Clinton’s neoliberal view of #EricGarner | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
#HillaryClinton kicks out #BLM, #AUCShutItDown and… ? | #SocialJustice on Blog#42
Friday, October 30th was another one of those really odd days. Continue reading #HillaryClinton kicks out #BLM, #AUCShutItDown and… ? | #SocialJustice on Blog#42
Hillary Clinton out of step on #DeathPenalty | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Today, Hillary Clinton stated her opposition to abolishing the death penalty. Continue reading Hillary Clinton out of step on #DeathPenalty | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Memo to Sam Stein: criticism and attack are not synonymous | #MSM bias on Blog#42
I have to take issue with Sam Stein for a poorly-written, edited, and produced piece Continue reading Memo to Sam Stein: criticism and attack are not synonymous | #MSM bias on Blog#42
Answering Bethany C. in L.A.: #Jeb! and #HillaryEmail, what’s the connection? | Blog#42 #Mailbag
Bethany C. left a question in reply to my comment on Maureen Dowd’s op-ed: Continue reading Answering Bethany C. in L.A.: #Jeb! and #HillaryEmail, what’s the connection? | Blog#42 #Mailbag