Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton

The Clinton-Greenspan connection| The case against dynasties on Blog#42

I was reminded, as I was reading Paul Krugman’s recent blog post on Alan Greenspan (see below,) that he is wedded to Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC. I was also reminded that Greenspan was Chairman of the Fed during… the Clinton years. Continue reading The Clinton-Greenspan connection| The case against dynasties on Blog#42

William Jefferson Clinton was not our first Black president, Hillary won’t be the second

To set the mood for the subject of this piece, the things we think we hear versus the things that are actually said Continue reading William Jefferson Clinton was not our first Black president, Hillary won’t be the second

Analysis: Bibi and Obama: Hillary Clinton’s inelegance

The New York Times is among several news outlets to report on Hillary Clinton’s telephone conversation with Jewish leaders in which she stated her opinion on US-Israel relations, in a clear move away from the Obama administration she used to be a part of. Continue reading Analysis: Bibi and Obama: Hillary Clinton’s inelegance

I am not ready for Hillary. Am I still a feminist? | Analysis

It feels as if the 2016 Democratic primary was settled in 2008. Whatever else is  assumed about the coming election, the one thing everyone imagines is that the Democrats’ candidate will be a woman.  Continue reading I am not ready for Hillary. Am I still a feminist? | Analysis

#PoliticalCorrectness as I see it

I write this on the heels of reading Jamelle Bouie’s always excellent newsletter.

He writes:

A good chunk of the Internet has been consumed in a conversation over Jonathan Chait’s New York magazine on the “new political correctness.” I have…tried to avoid that conversation as much as possible. Continue reading #PoliticalCorrectness as I see it

Dem Politics: Post-mortem is the new rehab

Former Governor Howard Dean was on Meet The Press today. With the exception of the very last sentence in this clip, I am in full agreement with everything he said.

Tuesday’s defeat was bound to be the catalyst for the kinds of events that happen after, well, all defeats. The victor gloats. Usually, the defeated retreat for a bit to reflect on their loss and how to move on. Continue reading Dem Politics: Post-mortem is the new rehab