Tag Archives: #HillaryEmail
I see you, James Comey! Tarmac Me Once, Shame on You. Tarmac Me Twice, Shame On Me! | Blog#42
James Comey, who was a hero in July, is now a hack and a traitor in October. What happened? Continue reading I see you, James Comey! Tarmac Me Once, Shame on You. Tarmac Me Twice, Shame On Me! | Blog#42
Road To Philly: @AP, DNC, & White House Mind Games In Democratic Primary | No Winner Yet on Blog#42
The AP has decided to declare Hillary Clinton the winner of the Democratic primary Continue reading Road To Philly: @AP, DNC, & White House Mind Games In Democratic Primary | No Winner Yet on Blog#42
A Storm Is Brewing And The Dem Fluster-Cluck is Coalescing | Blog#42
The Hill reports that Democrats are telling the Clinton campaign to let Donald J. Trump’s threats Continue reading A Storm Is Brewing And The Dem Fluster-Cluck is Coalescing | Blog#42
Another Day, Another Lame-o #HillaryEmails Excuse | Ethics on Blog#42
Another Day, Another Lamo #HillaryEmails Excuse Continue reading Another Day, Another Lame-o #HillaryEmails Excuse | Ethics on Blog#42
Hillary Clinton’s Achilles Heel: Poor Judgment and Flawed Ethics | Blog#42
So, here we are, six months away from an election, and we are still talking about #HillaryEmail. Continue reading Hillary Clinton’s Achilles Heel: Poor Judgment and Flawed Ethics | Blog#42
Answering Bethany C. in L.A.: #Jeb! and #HillaryEmail, what’s the connection? | Blog#42 #Mailbag
Bethany C. left a question in reply to my comment on Maureen Dowd’s op-ed: Continue reading Answering Bethany C. in L.A.: #Jeb! and #HillaryEmail, what’s the connection? | Blog#42 #Mailbag
#HillaryEmail: The. Story. That. Just. Won’t. Die. | Swaggerin’ disobedience on Blog#42
The thing just will not go away, not even after Rep. McCarthy told us that Benghazi was a hoax Continue reading #HillaryEmail: The. Story. That. Just. Won’t. Die. | Swaggerin’ disobedience on Blog#42
Hillary’s email problem: still here… | #Ethics on Blog#42
Hillary Clinton told ABC News “That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility” Continue reading Hillary’s email problem: still here… | #Ethics on Blog#42
No such thing as a happy accident, Valerie Jarrett edition
The New York Post reports that, apparently, we have Valerie Jarrett to thank for what may turn out to be Hillary Clinton’s second defeat. Continue reading No such thing as a happy accident, Valerie Jarrett edition