Tag Archives: #Jobs

Poll: Public Has ‘Pulled Back’ From Dems On The Economy


NOVEMBER 18, 2014

A new poll has some disturbing news for Democrats: the country defers to Republicans rather than Democrats when it comes to the economy. Continue reading Poll: Public Has ‘Pulled Back’ From Dems On The Economy

Over 50 and once successful, jobless Americans seek support groups to help where Congress has failed | Money | The Guardian

Friday 7 November 2014

When she lost her job, Lisa Casino-Schuetz fell into a depression. Then she felt the deepest fear she had ever experienced. Continue reading Over 50 and once successful, jobless Americans seek support groups to help where Congress has failed | Money | The Guardian

The Cheapest Generation | The Atlantic

Why Millennials aren’t buying cars or houses, and what that means for the economy

In 2009, Ford brought its new supermini, the Fiesta, over from Europe in a brave attempt to attract the attention of young Americans. It passed out 100 of the cars to influential bloggers for a free six-month test-drive, with just one condition: document your experience online, whether you love the Fiesta or hate it.

Young bloggers loved the car. Young drivers? Not so much. After a brief burst of excitement, in which Ford sold more than 90,000 units over 18 months, Fiesta sales plummeted. As of April 2012, they were down 30 percent from 2011. Continue reading The Cheapest Generation | The Atlantic

Jared Bernstein: Full #employment, trade deficits, and the dollar as reserve currency

By Jared Bernstein
October 7, 2014

Full employment, trade deficits, and the dollar as reserve currency. What are the connections?

I’ve been looking for an excuse to scratch out a few lines about the connections between full employment, the trade deficit, and dollar policy—connections that understandably don’t jump out at everyone—and I’ve found a particularly good one.

Continue reading Jared Bernstein: Full #employment, trade deficits, and the dollar as reserve currency

Fixing the Downward Bias in the #Unemployment Rate | Jared Bernstein


High-Stakes Musical Chairs: Fixing the Downward Bias in the Unemployment Rate
By Jared Bernstein
October 10, 2014

Ever since the JOLTS (Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey) came into existence, labor market analysts have looked at the ratio of unemployed to job openings. In fact, the BLS publishes that very metric monthly (see chart 1 here). My old EPI colleague Jeff Wenger used to call it the “musical chairs” number, as when it goes up (high levels of job seekers per job), you can envision a bunch of folks trying to get the one seat/job when the music stops.

Continue reading Fixing the Downward Bias in the #Unemployment Rate | Jared Bernstein

Full employment and trade deficits: PK v. JB re $ | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

By Jared Bernstein

October 8, 2014

Paul K’s agrees with me on the core aspects of my post yesterday regarding our persistent trade deficits as a barrier to full employment, but disagrees the dollars status as a reserve currency has much to do with it.

Continue reading Full employment and trade deficits: PK v. JB re $ | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

The Importance of Extending Pro-work Supports in Key Anti-Poverty Programs | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

By Jared Bernstein

October 9, 2014

If you will take a brief amble with me through some budget weeds, I assure you it will be in your interest.

Even people who pay some attention to such things don’t know that an important work-support for low-income families is scheduled to expire at the end of 2017. I’m talking about parts of the refundable portions of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) that were expanded in recent years. Without Congressional action, these improvements will go up in smoke at the end of 2017.

Continue reading The Importance of Extending Pro-work Supports in Key Anti-Poverty Programs | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy