Over two years after his mysterious death, there is no closure in the Lennon Lacy story. Continue reading In Bladenboro, North Carolina The Lennon Lacy Story Remains Hidden | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Tag Archives: Lynching
To Ian, #RayTensing’s act wasn’t borne from a lack of love | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Dear Ian,
I am in receipt of the message you left on my blog post last night. Continue reading To Ian, #RayTensing’s act wasn’t borne from a lack of love | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
Our terminology in the era of #TheNewJimCrow is all wrong | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
What do the crimes of Ray Tensing, Michael Slager, Brian Encinia and Dylann Roof all have in common? Continue reading Our terminology in the era of #TheNewJimCrow is all wrong | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
The goodness of the Black heart | #WhiteSupremacy and #Forgiveness on Blog#42
I’ve been following, with great interest, the debates that followed a grieving woman’s forgiveness Continue reading The goodness of the Black heart | #WhiteSupremacy and #Forgiveness on Blog#42
It’s 2015 and Liberal California prosecutes a Black woman for #lynching
It may come as a shock, but if you are a Black woman, you can be prosecuted for #lynching in Liberal California. Continue reading It’s 2015 and Liberal California prosecutes a Black woman for #lynching
‘Suicide’ ruling in #NorthCarolina teen’s death challenged | #LennonLacy | The Guardian
See my blogger’s note below:

Lennon Lacy, 17, was found dead just hours before a big game in his high school’s football calendar. Photograph: The Guardian
Forensic pathologist questions procedures followed by authorities after Lennon Lacy, 17, was found hanging from a swing set in a largely white trailer park
Teenager’s mysterious death evokes painful imagery in North Carolina | The Guardian
Police say they have no evidence of foul play in the hanging death of black teenager Lennon Lacy. But in a case with disturbing racial overtones, his family are left with haunting questions. Continue reading Teenager’s mysterious death evokes painful imagery in North Carolina | The Guardian