Pundits are telling readers not to pay attention to polls Continue reading Why You Should Pay Attention To Polls and Ignore Establishment Pundits | #BernieSanders & #HillaryClinton on Blog#42
Tag Archives: Primary 2016
A Storm Is Brewing And The Dem Fluster-Cluck is Coalescing | Blog#42
The Hill reports that Democrats are telling the Clinton campaign to let Donald J. Trump’s threats Continue reading A Storm Is Brewing And The Dem Fluster-Cluck is Coalescing | Blog#42
The End of the Big Tent: Oh, and No, Neither Bernie or His Bros Did It! | Dems on Blog#42
The End of the Big Tent: Oh, and No, Neither Bernie or His Bros Did It! Continue reading The End of the Big Tent: Oh, and No, Neither Bernie or His Bros Did It! | Dems on Blog#42
Donald Trump vs. The Democrats: It’s All About Jobs And Trade, Stupid! | Blog#42
Donald Trump prevailed and is now the GOP’s presumptive nominee. Continue reading Donald Trump vs. The Democrats: It’s All About Jobs And Trade, Stupid! | Blog#42
Jeff Weaver: #BernieSanders To Remain A Democrat Regardless of #Primary2016 Outcome | Blog#42
#BillClinton’s Cog-In-The-Wheel Surrogacy of #HillaryClinton: Worse Than 2008 | Blog#42
Bill Clinton’s surrogacy in Election 2008 turned out to be a yuuge disaster Continue reading #BillClinton’s Cog-In-The-Wheel Surrogacy of #HillaryClinton: Worse Than 2008 | Blog#42
Charles M. Blow on Anonymous Sources & Media Ethics: Right On! | MSM on Blog#42
Charles Blow put out a video on his position on the ethics of anonymous sourcing. Continue reading Charles M. Blow on Anonymous Sources & Media Ethics: Right On! | MSM on Blog#42
@KillerMike Is No Sexist Rapper: It’s Just Dirty Politics | #DemPrimary on Blog#42
Some pundits are saying Killer Mike should not have used a quote about gender Continue reading @KillerMike Is No Sexist Rapper: It’s Just Dirty Politics | #DemPrimary on Blog#42
Jared Bernstein: Bernie, Hillary, the binding constraints of cramped reality, and the Overton Window | Blog#42
27 Jan 2016
I may be a bit out of my depth here but let me offer a few thoughts on a debate among progressives that leaves me scratching away at the old noggin.’ Here are the bones of the thing, as I kinda understand them: Continue reading Jared Bernstein: Bernie, Hillary, the binding constraints of cramped reality, and the Overton Window | Blog#42
How #BernieSanders polls | #Primary2016 on Blog#42
Many of you have been asking me for the latest information on who Bernie Sanders’ voters are. Continue reading How #BernieSanders polls | #Primary2016 on Blog#42