Charles Koch was interviewed by ABC News and… Hell has frozen over. Continue reading When Hell Freezes Over: Charles Koch Edition | Blog#42
Tag Archives: Scott Walker
Out of the ashes… rises a Trump? | #ScottWalker quits on Blog#42

A couple of weeks back, in one of my New York Times comments Continue reading Out of the ashes… rises a Trump? | #ScottWalker quits on Blog#42
A collection of clippings on #HigherEd, jobs and policy | Blog#42
Following are clippings from articles written about the state of higher education in the US Continue reading A collection of clippings on #HigherEd, jobs and policy | Blog#42
UPDATED: White, non-white neoconservative swagger and #BLM | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
All politicians must now pass the BLM test, without exception. Continue reading UPDATED: White, non-white neoconservative swagger and #BLM | #BlackLivesMatter on Blog#42
John @NicholsUprising: #ScottWalker is the #Kochs’ model governor
Scott Walker is a model governor.
Not in every sense, as critics of the Wisconsin Republican’s anti-labor extremism, ethical lapses and failed experiments with economic austerity will remind you. But he is certainly a model governor in the eyes of billionaire conservative donors David and Charles Koch and their acolytes. This reality has led 2014 Republican gubernatorial candidates who seek the billionaire blessing — so essential for conservative politicians in state races — to make reverential references to Walker when appealing to the Koch brothers.
Continue reading John @NicholsUprising: #ScottWalker is the #Kochs’ model governor
#Wisconsin Governor at Center of a Vast Fund-Raising Case | NYTimes |
CHICAGO — Prosecutors in Wisconsin assert that Gov. Scott Walker was part of an elaborate effort to illegally coordinate fund-raising and spending between his campaign and conservative groups during efforts to recall him and several state senators two years ago, according to court filings unsealed Thursday.
The allegations by five county district attorneys, released as part of a federal lawsuit over the investigation into Mr. Walker, suggest that some of the governor’s top campaign aides directed the political spending of the outside groups, most of them nonprofits, and in effect controlled some of them. Continue reading #Wisconsin Governor at Center of a Vast Fund-Raising Case | NYTimes |