Rapists Have Tiger Moms, Too: Kavanaugh, Rape Culture and SCOTUS on Blog#42
Continue reading Rapists Have Tiger Mothers, Too: Kavanaugh, Rape Culture and SCOTUS on Blog#42
Continue reading Rapists Have Tiger Mothers, Too: Kavanaugh, Rape Culture and SCOTUS on Blog#42
Continue reading Democrats In Disarray: Demagoguery Is No #Resistance To Captain Chaos | Blog#42
President Obama nominated a “liberal” judge to replace Antonin Scalia, Continue reading #SCOTUSNom: No Time For Compromise Offerings | #SCOTUS on Blog#42
Hillary Clinton has been undergoing a transmogrification since announcing her candidacy for president. Gone are the neoliberal beliefs and policy positions and in are almost every single last one of the progressive credos. Continue reading Suddenly, Hillary Clinton’s positions are music to our ears… | #Progressivism on Blog#42
Tony Robinson was shot to death by a Madison, Wisconsin policeman on the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the March in Selma. Continue reading Selma50: Black Lives Matter, Moral Monday, NAACP, unite!
October 2, 2014
By John Light
With more than a month to go until Election Day, the record for most money spent by outside groups to influence a midterm has already been broken. Meanwhile, Republicans in a number of states continue their relentless push to restrict access to the polls via reduced early voting and voter id laws.
Continue reading Here’s the Latest in the #GOP’s Push to Restrict #Voting | BillMoyersHQ
July 11, 2014
The latest session of the US Supreme Court was especially contentious, with important decisions on the separation of church and state, organized labor, campaign finance reform, birth control and women’s health, among others, splitting the court along its 5-4 conservative-liberal divide Continue reading Moyers & Company Video: Is the Supreme Court Out of Order? | BillMoyers.com
By Jared Bernstein
The Supreme Court’s majority opinion out today in Harris v. Quinn represents an important defeat for the “hundreds of thousands of home care and child care workers who have managed to improve their work lives through collective bargaining” as EPI’s Ross Eisenbrey wrote earlier today. The Court majority ruled that these health-care workers cannot be required to contribute to a union, even if they benefit from its collective bargaining.
Thanks to union contracts that include anti-free-rider provisions, this almost entirely female workforce has made huge improvements in wages and benefits, in training, and in respect in the states that provide for collective bargaining. The Court gives this no value and says the right of the free riders to have the benefits of union contracts without having to pay anything for them is the preeminent constitutional value. The Court majority’s balancing of interests is skewed: the right to vote democratically for a union contract that holds everyone to the same obligation and makes improved wages and working conditions possible is more important than the right to get something for nothing. Continue reading #SCOTUS and the #Unions: “Come On and Take a Free Ride!” | Jared Bernstein
By Rima Regas
Various pundits, by now, have weighed in on today’s Supreme Court decision striking down Massachusetts’ buffer zone law for abortion clinics. To be sure, I don’t disagree that this decision will make it much harder for already vulnerable women to get the care they seek. To be sure, this is a blow to women. There is no doubt, were we talking about a buffer zone at clinics where men receive erectile dysfunction treatment, not only would buffer zones be just dandy, but walls would be mandated, for extra protection and privacy.
This unanimous decision implies that when there is a choice between women’s right to privacy or the right of a stranger to tell you about their beliefs, whether you are interested in hearing them or not, you have no right to choose to avoid it. Continue reading My Takeaway from SCOTUS’ Buffer Zones Decision