White Liberals Self-Soothing Part Trois: Nancy Pelosi Calls Auntie Maxine and Trump Unacceptable [Updated 6/26] | Blog#42 Continue reading White Liberals Self-Soothing Part Trois: Nancy Pelosi Calls Auntie Maxine and Trump Unacceptable | Blog#42
Tag Archives: SelfSoothe
Trump and the GOP: More Jim Crow Than Nazi Germany | Blog#42
Trump and the GOP: More Jim Crow Than Nazi Germany | Blog#42
Continue reading Trump and the GOP: More Jim Crow Than Nazi Germany | Blog#42
What ‘e pluribus unum’ Doesn’t Mean: Nancy Pelosi, #ImpeachTrump and #Ocasio2018 [Updated 7/4]
What ‘e pluribus unum’ Doesn’t Mean: Nancy Pelosi, #ImpeachTrump and #Ocasio2018 [Updated 7/4] | Blog#42
Continue reading What ‘e pluribus unum’ Doesn’t Mean: Nancy Pelosi, #ImpeachTrump and #Ocasio2018 [Updated 7/4]