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Tag Archives: Thug
The incredible offensiveness of “#thug” | #BaltimoreUprising #BlackLivesMatter
As the aggrieved part of Baltimore rises, so do the moralizing voices of local authority in their characterizations of “thug” about those they are supposed to serve. Continue reading The incredible offensiveness of “#thug” | #BaltimoreUprising #BlackLivesMatter
‘#MorningJoe’ Panel: #MichaelBrown Was A ‘Thug,’ Protests Are Based On ‘Lies’
Blogger’s comment:
Does anyone believe these people, including former Congressman Joe Scarborough took the time to read through the copious amounts of evidence released by Robert McCulloch? No? That was McCulloch’s point in flooding the jury with it and after the verdict, the rest of us.
McCulloch wins. This is retro-racial America. Continue reading ‘#MorningJoe’ Panel: #MichaelBrown Was A ‘Thug,’ Protests Are Based On ‘Lies’